Electoral College Crap

Posted by Robyn on Sep 8, 2008 in Politics |

I am starting to hope that Obama wins the electoral vote, but McCain wins the popular vote. Now, I know there’s a very slim chance of that happening, but here’s why I hope for it. The electoral college is antiquated and does not reflect the votes of each American equally. Many voters in strongly “red” or “blue” states feel that their votes don’t matter.

And they’re right!

Since Bush won a narrow electoral victory, but lost the popular vote in 2000, the Republican party held tighter than ever onto a system that had just proven itself to be broken. If a Democrat were to win by electoral votes only, I think both parties might finally be willing to abolish the electoral college, and really make every vote count equally.

If America wants to stand as a global model of democracy, it’s time for both parties to stop focusing on what’s best for them, and focus on what’s best for the country.


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